E-bike sightseeing
E-biking is popular with folks over 50 and looking for fun.

Remember when you were a kid and you got your first new bike?

Photo by Jessica Lewis on Pexels.com. Future rider of e-bikes

I do.

When I was about 12 years old. I bought a brand new CCM three speed bike with money I had earned delivering flyers. (Those were the days kids were able to earn money and learn basic skills around saving, responsibility and accountability.)

I was absolutely thrilled by the freedom and fun this bike offered me.

Now jump ahead about five decades. My wife and I rented e-bikes (electric bicycles) for the first time. And for the first time in a long time, I recaptured that feeling. They were a blast. In less than 3 hours, we covered 60 kilometers (36 miles) along the city bike paths.

Why The E-bike For Fun Blog?

Based on our rental experience, we have bought our first e-bikes. But before buying them, I started researching electric bicycles. I discovered there are a lot of choices and lots of decisions you need to make. And frankly a lot of conflicting opinions.

As I was gathering information to answer the questions I had about buying and using our e-bikes, I thought others might be interested. As it turns out, readers of this blog have indicated the information is useful in either buying a first e-bike or maintaining current bikes.

I spend a lot time ensuring the information shared is based on extensive research and conversations with experts to answer questions like:

There are a lot of e-bike sales sites that provide great information on specific brands and bikes. And you can find a lot of information by spending a lot of time searching the dozens of websites, blogs and reviews focused on e-bikes.

But I wanted to create a space where these and many more questions were answered based on our personal experience. My hope is that you will contribute your questions and provide advice to help the growing number of folks over 50 who are discovering e-bikes for the first time.

So if you are over 50, looking for a new recreational outlet and have thought e-biking is for you, sign up and get our regular updates. You can also follow E-Bike For Fun on Facebook.

If you still haven’t decided, check out the post on the benefits of e-biking.