In an earlier post, I outlined the benefits of e-biking for older cyclists.  The data from this research is clear – there are definite health, fitness and cognitive benefits of e-biking. However, it really doesn’t reflect the passion for e-biking you hear from cyclists when they share their experience.

Older couple riding e-bikes
An active senior couple with helmets and e-bikes standing outdoors on a road in nature.

This emotional response comes through clearly from member comments of online e-bike groups. Older e-bike owners passionately believe in the benefits they receive from e-biking. Yet, this emotion does not come through in research such as this recent North American survey of e-bike users.

While this research is interesting, it doesn’t reflect the strong emotional connection that is apparent when reading comments on these forums.   Nor answer the question- “Why do older e-bike owners have so much passion for e-biking?”   

Research approach

To answer this question, I conducted my own informal research.  Members of online e-bike Facebook groups and readers of this blog were invited to share their experience and opinions.  

While not a statistically valid survey, the results provided underscore the passion for e-biking many current e-bike owners have.

This short survey asked the following three questions:

  1. What do you like about e-biking?
  2. What benefits can you identify from e-biking?
  3. What advice can you share for someone new to e-biking?

I received several responses from across North America including BC, Ontario, Illinois, Colorado, Washington, and California. A response from South Africa was also received.

Respondents ranged from 55 to 79 and all are current e-bike owners.

Why e-bike owners have a passion for e-biking?

For me, a key reason for owning and riding an e-bike is the enjoyment and freedom it provides.  Do other e-bike owners have similar reasons for riding e-bikes?

Apparently so.

Three main themes emerged from the responses.  While I’ve edited some comments to shorten them, I used the respondents own words to capture their meaning.

The three main themes identified are:

1. Increased freedom and enjoyment

  • E-biking gives us a reason and the freedom to get outside into the fresh air and be able to make a few short trips “exploring” the neighbourhood.
  • Puts me back in the saddle in a way I haven’t felt in years. (I’m 55).
  • I like being able to get outside, to travel longer distances on the trails around Toronto, and to get exercise while knowing that if the going gets tough I can use the motor to assist me.
  • I have been fortunate enough to rediscover cycling now with electrical assistance, it is awesome, it has saved my life and once again I am able to fly like a kid.
  • I find I can tailor my effort for either a great workout or just a leisurely ride based on level of assistance.
  • I can get just as much exercise as on a non-motorized bike but travel longer distances while doing it.

2. Ability to go places previously avoided due to hills or distance

  • I’m 79 and been e-biking for about 3 years. While also riding regular bikes, the reasons for riding an e-bike is the help with hills and being able to go longer distances,
  • We ride farther than we would ever walk or ride with a regular bike.  
  • I can tell you that I did not want to stop riding this bike. Hills that I previously would be a hard peddle became a dream.
  • I live is a very hilly community. Prior to having an e-bike my ride options were getting fewer and fewer. Now, the entire area is open to me again.
  • Now I ride much further, starting with little or no assist, and crank up the power as needed.

3. Ability to ride with others

Seniors riding bike
E-biking encourages seniors to ride with friends and family
  • It’s extended my cycling career (I am 71) and where I met lots of new e-Bike cyclists.
  • I also like being able to do rides as a group with other e-bikers.
  • I ride very respectfully and enjoy the fellowship that multi use trails afford.
  • Also meeting a group of cyclists for rides. 
  • I also enjoy riding with other e-bikers as the bikes allow all of us to participate together at a comfortable level for all.
  • We often do group rides and I have made a lot of new friends this way.
  • It’s definitely a huge social benefit. I ride with friends on a regular basis who now have purchased e-bikes. We also frequently meet up with other couples for social rides.

What benefits have they experienced?

I’ve had serious heart issues but have recovered well and am now pretty strong, thanks in great part to my e-bike.

Passionate E-biker owner

The results from formal research is conclusive – e-biking contributes to improved fitness and health outcomes.  Both these themes came through in many of the comments.  As well, economic benefits were raised, largely due to the reduced cost of running a vehicle.

  • I use the lowest PAS possible to maximize the health benefits.
  • It’s extended my cycling career (I am 71). It keeps me fit and healthy.
  • Having recently survived a couple years of heart failure… I’m feeling great, having fun riding and getting healthy. I have been fortunate enough to rediscover cycling now with electrical assistance, it is awesome.
  • It’s definitely healthy for us and an activity we can enjoy together and with our neighbors.
  • E-biking is my primary method of fitness. I have a fused ankle, as well as hip and knee replacements. The e-bike allows me to ride just like I did before all of these issues.
  • When we were younger, we used to be able to go for long walks. In recent years, my wife has had hip replacement surgery and has had 2 surgeries on her foot, which has made it difficult for her to walk any distances. E-biking has restored our ability to go outside and do things as a couple.
  • Another benefit in the city is avoiding use of a car and the inherent expenses including parking.
  • Not having to have a second car and all that comes with that.
  • My main benefit is having fun! Because it’s so much fun, I ride it more than I did with my conventional bike.
  • Gets me back outside where I belong.

Advice for new e-bikers

The advice provided is varied and ranges from the very practical to aspirational. 

Take the plunge. You will love it!

E-bike owner

  • We are certainly new E-bikers ourselves, but we both really feel that they are going to enlarge our world and increase our ability to enjoy time together.
  • A perfect compromise and there are no more excuses people lol. Get out there and e bike!
  • Measure your life in smiles, e-bikes are and will be solution solvers. Not to judge until you eride yourself. 
  • You are not cheating by riding an e-bike…the benefits you are getting from your e-bike:  riding farther, only using the power when needed, and you are not sitting in front of the television. 
  • Don’t worry if people call you a cheat. More and more people are beginning to say Enjoy the Ride.
  • Safety first: always wear a helmet, use flashing bright lights, neon clothing, and get a mirror
  • Invest in a high quality lock.
  • If possible, purchase your bike from a LBS (Local Bike Shop) which you can develop a relationship with.  Buy the best bike you can afford…a high quality makes a huge difference in the overall pleasure of the experience.
  • Think about how you will use the bike – what range needed, where to store, where to charge
  • As with a regular bike, get one that fits properly and that you are comfortable on
  • If possible, try before you buy

There is no doubt that once cyclists become e-bike owners they become very passionate about e-biking. And for some really good reasons.  They feel healthier, fitter and enjoy a quality of life not previously experienced.

If you are wondering how to get started with e-biking, check out the ten tips for buying an e-bike.  As well, learn more about what qualifies as an e-bike.